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About Us

365DS basement waterprooing team serving GTA over 10 years, licensd with WSIB and 2 millions liability insure, able to perform proper waterproofing works for housing and commercial basements. We use only top quality materials and complete the job with highest industry standards. our team specialize in exterior and interior waterproofing and drain systems including the repair and restoration of basement walls and foundations.
Bonded and insured with extensively experienced team who can treat any challenges and properly complete the works of any complexity.
We located at toronto but serving all GTA area, whitby oshawa picking brampton aurora newmarket and etc.

Contact Us

Call today for free estimation phone number 6479988758

Our specialty team know lot of various challenges/situation for basement waterproofing with significant digging/soil removal for external works and concrete removal for internal works。 We have extensive experience in executing the job with minimun damage to the property and minimun cost to our clients.

How we work

With more than ten years of experience,We provide high quality waterproofing services at an affordable price.
Contact our Professional team with free consultation and recmooendations. We diagnosis and location of the source and reason of water leak and water transmission or dampness.
step 1 For interior waterproofing we remove the concrete and make the trench beside the wall in the basement.

step 2Then we install weeping tile and connect it to a sump pump or a floor drain depending on the specific condition of the drainage structure.

step 3 And next stage we fix the cracks and /or restore the wall.

step 4 On the prepared wall we put the special waterproof membrane to let water drain down to the bottom of the trench.

Step 5 Then we cover the weeping tile with gravel and finish with the concrete.

1For exterior waterproofing we dig the soil beside the wall down to the bottom of the footing.

2When the wall and footing are exposed we clean the wall and restore it where needed while fixing all the cracks with hydraulic cement.

3Then we apply a parging mix type S on the restored wall and let it dry up.

4After the wall becomes dry we apply aqua-bloc 720-38 made by Bakor.

5Then we install a waterproofing membrane on the wall from above the existing soil level down to the footing as well as weeping tile beside footing.

6During the exterior waterproofing works window wells are installed with proper drainage connection to the weeping tile.

7We finish waterproofing works with the gravel and filter cloth to prevent the weeping tile from being clogged.

8Then we backfill and compact the soil.

What we do

Below is a List of our Waterproofing Services:
Leak Prevention / Indoor & Outdoor Waterproofing / Blue Skin Membranes / Window Wells / Weeping Tiles / Foundation Restoration / Foundation Repair / Cracked Walls & Floor Repairs / Sump Pump Installation and Repairs / Basement Underpinning / New Concrete Floor Installation / Mold Elimination / Interior Moisture Control / Foundation Crack Repair / Concrete Work / Concrete Crack Repair / Concrete Sealing / Window Well Installations / Crawl Space Installation and Repairs / Basement Lowering / Weeping Tile Systems / Basement Walkouts or Separate Entrances

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